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6 Critical Skills

Information Literacy:

In a world that is being increasingly driven by data, while simultaneously flooding us with inaccurate and unnecessary information, it is important to be able to collect, understand, and apply data/information. My extensive research documents provide a wealth of both statistical and anecdotal information, and my surveys are scientifically sound. Together these drove my project in certain directions and were the main factor behind pricing, markets, and project themes, decisions that are key to my success.


"Fresh perspectives" is a theme that is very conducive the creativity/innovation. I decided to take advantage of the emerging concepts of constant connectivity and wearable technology. There are multiple proprietary/innovative aspects of the SafeVest, including the 2-Button system, and the customization options. In terms of creativity, I have a very thought out marketing theme and concepts. It goes beyond just the product, to the ideals we support as a company including entrepreneurship, risk-taking, fitness, perseverance, and confidence.


Despite the fact that we are working on our own, collaboration is essential to producing a good Capstone project. Everyone has strengths and weaknesses, including myself. I've connected with multiple mentors outside of the classroom, including a track coach and police officer, and an Emmy-award winning media relations specialist. I've also pulled from the knowledge and experience of my classmates and family members to successfully pull together the technology aspects.

Problem Solving:

I have dealt with a host of setbacks and problems throughout this process. On the business side, I had a lot of problems with developing a realistic price. I used skills from both my Calculus and E-Commerce classes to do so and complete a full cost analysis. I've also been continuously dealing with issues on the R+D side due to my lack of experience. It has been a combination of online tutorials, peer assistance, and perseverance that has gotten me through those. In all cases, I believe I've displayed and indeed honed the decision making skills necessary to work through problems.


Communication has developed into one of my strongest critical skills. I have an incredibly strong social media presence and a variety of effective marketing materials. My business plan is very well written, and I've been able to maintain contact with a variety of people that contribute their ideas to my process. These aspects have, in my mind, allowed me to work through the aspects I'm not as good at while still producing an excellent project.

Responsible Citizenship:

This is an important skill for me. I'm going to be studying business administration next year, and it is exceedingly important to me that what I do is not first and foremost about the profit. I've made it clear throughout this year that the SafeVest was about more than just making a product that would sell, that it was about spreading a message and trying to make a difference. I've done this through social media and my business plan, and I've followed up on that by reaching out to my community. 

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